Majorie B. Doty
Aquatic Center

Since 2008, residents have enjoyed the luxury of swimming year-round in our heated indoor pool. Graduated steps and handrails make the pool’s warm water easily accessible.

To take full advantage of the many benefits of aquatic therapy, certified swim instructors conduct special classes in addition to supervising free swim sessions.

  • Aquacise Class: Emphasizes stretching, toning and cardio exercise to improve energy and fitness levels with no impact on joints. No swimming skills required.
  • Arthritis Class: Increases range of motion and relieves arthritis pain through a series of gentle exercises in warm water. No swimming skills required.
  • Water-Walking Class: Exercises the joints gently while increasing fitness. Thirty minutes of water-walking is the equivalent of two hours of walking on land. No swimming skills required.


The Doty Aquatic Center is also open to nonresidents. To register for a class, sign up for a membership, or to inquire about membership information please call 860-953-1201.

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