Memory Café @ The Heights
The Heights Memory Café a gathering for people experiencing mild to moderate memory loss and their caregiver, spouses, family members, and friends. These gatherings and activities are created to benefit the person with dementia as well as those providing care, and the activities are designed to engage and support both simultaneously.
On the second Monday of the month from 1pm – 2pm, we gather in the Adams Room at The Heights Senior Living Community. Participation is free. Registration is required.
For event information and to register please see below.
For more information or to RSVP, please contact Siobhan Cefarelli
at scefarelli@churchhomes.org or 860-953-1201, ext. 403.
February 13, 2023
Fun surprise Valentine’s Day arts and craft activity with Masila Rrumbullaku from
Swatch and Paint.
March 13, 2023