Special Guest

Lisa Marshall Author of Newly Published Book “Oh Hello Alzheimer’s”
Lisa knows what it is like to be suddenly thrust into the world of ALZHEIMER’S when her beloved husband Peter was struck with the illness several years ago at the age of 53 and tragically took him from her just one year ago. Lisa bravely has written her book: “Oh Hello Alzheimer’s” to inform and empower others who are caring for loved ones coping with this difficult illness. Her book is full of helpful tips and solution. It bravely goes deep into many difficult aspects of caregiving while giving her reader a truly candid and intimate glimpse into her marriage and history with Peter.

March 8, 2023

Special Guest: Lisa Marshall

Lisa Marshall Author of Newly Published Book “Oh Hello Alzheimer’s” Lisa knows what it is like to be suddenly thrust into the world of ALZHEIMER’S when […]
December 15, 2022

Your Next Chapter with Special Guest: For All Ages

Listen as guest Deb Bibbons from non-profit agency, For All Ages, joins us to talk about their programs that help older adults struggling with loneliness, isolation, […]
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