Avery Heights - Assisted Living Facility

Become a Volunteer

Our active and engaged group of volunteers is one of Avery Heights’ greatest assets. By sharing their time and talents they make a tremendous difference in the quality of life of our residents and just by being here bring a bit of the larger community into the Avery Heights community.

There is a wide range of volunteer opportunities and if you have a particular interest or skill that you’d like to share, we’re happy to discuss it with you. Whether you have an hour to spare now and again or can volunteer on a regular basis, we’re eager to talk to you about what interests you. And we’d like to add your name to the guest list for our annual volunteer recognition dinner honoring our wonderful volunteers.

To learn more about volunteer opportunities at Avery Heights call 860-953-1201 or fill out the Volunteer Form.

What Does a Volunteer Do?

Read A Book
Many of our residents, especially those with limited vision, enjoy being read to. Volunteers find equal enjoyment in sharing their love of reading with fellow bibliophiles.

Bring An Animal Friend
Dog lovers, whose best friends have been certified by Good Dogs or another obedience course, visit our residents who relish the chance to interact with friendly canines.

Help With Technical Issues
Technologically-adept volunteers help our residents set up email accounts or learn to use social media.

Be a Host / Hostess
Volunteers serve as host/hostesses at opening receptions for our frequent art shows.

Be a Special Friend
Becoming a special friend to a resident is an especially rewarding volunteer experience.

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